Rules: None
By: Free base from DeviantArt, colored by Honey Aussie on FP.
Likes: Being herself, her friends, playing with yarn (yes, like a cat), cats, and Christmas.
Dislikes: Anyone mean, the color green, anything dull or boring, and classical or rock music (she's more for pop or country).
Best Friends/Friends: Shimmer (owned by Me)
Crushes: None!
Enemies: None!
Family: None!
Bio: Kelsey is a kind, caring gal who loves the city, her home- New York! She lives in a big apartment and loves to shop. She's very creative and quirky, and when she's around, it seems everyone is at their best. Bullies are nice, the grumpy old people are mean, people coming to the mall to steal something buy their items, little screaming kids start laughing, and everyone acts friendly and nice, as if Kelsey glows in happieness.


Added to My Most Loved Characters5 years ago

Rules: None
By: Free base from DeviantArt, colored by Honey Aussie on FP.
Likes: Being herself, her friends, playing with yarn (yes, like a cat), cats, and Christmas.
Dislikes: Anyone mean, the color green, anything dull or boring, and classical or rock music (she's more for pop or country).
Best Friends/Friends: Shimmer (owned by Me)
Crushes: None!
Enemies: None!
Family: None!
Bio: Kelsey is a kind, caring gal who loves the city, her home- New York! She lives in a big apartment and loves to shop. She's very creative and quirky, and when she's around, it seems everyone is at their best. Bullies are nice, the grumpy old people are mean, people coming to the mall to steal something buy their items, little screaming kids start laughing, and everyone acts friendly and nice, as if Kelsey glows in happieness.