A blue screen of death (BSoD) indicates that Windows 10 has discovered a fatal system fault and must shut down promptly to prevent the operating system from being damaged. While stop errors might be frustrating, Microsoft has solutions for practically every form of issue that results in a blue screen of death. Other important steps you can take to minimize the impact of an unexpected, unplanned downtime caused by a blue screen issue include scanning for viruses and backing up your data.



Uploaded 2 years ago

A blue screen of death (BSoD) indicates that Windows 10 has discovered a fatal system fault and must shut down promptly to prevent the operating system from being damaged. While stop errors might be frustrating, Microsoft has solutions for practically every form of issue that results in a blue screen of death. Other important steps you can take to minimize the impact of an unexpected, unplanned downtime caused by a blue screen issue include scanning for viruses and backing up your data.
