Aer Lingus 24 hour cancellation
If you do not want to pay any charges for the cancellation of a flight ticket then do this in24 hour from the original date of purchase. Aer Lingus 24 hour cancellation will provide you with the best method for cancelling the flight ticket in just a few seconds. If you want to do the process of flight cancellation through online mode then go to on My trip section and fill 6 digit code with the last name of the passenger and also you have to fill Aer Lingus cancellation form. Once the cancellation process is done the airline will send u the amount of the ticket in 7 to 10 business days.


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Aer Lingus 24 hour cancellation
If you do not want to pay any charges for the cancellation of a flight ticket then do this in24 hour from the original date of purchase. Aer Lingus 24 hour cancellation will provide you with the best method for cancelling the flight ticket in just a few seconds. If you want to do the process of flight cancellation through online mode then go to on My trip section and fill 6 digit code with the last name of the passenger and also you have to fill Aer Lingus cancellation form. Once the cancellation process is done the airline will send u the amount of the ticket in 7 to 10 business days.