This will be given a rub down to help get rid of some of the really high points before getting another resin coat.  Then it will be a skim of filler, sand back (again) and a few coats of paint.

Bodywork (rear apron) tidying continues

Added to 1973 AC Model 70 Restoration5 years ago

This will be given a rub down to help get rid of some of the really high points before getting another resin coat. Then it will be a skim of filler, sand back (again) and a few coats of paint.

HUAWEI CLT-L09More Exif data

  • Manufacturer HUAWEI
  • Model CLT-L09
  • Exposure Time
  • Aperture
  • ISO
  • Focal Length
  • X Resolution 72 dpi
  • Y Resolution 72 dpi
  • Resolution Unit inches
  • Orientation 0
  • Software CLT-L09