Xiphi, the Kunai Pokemon
Typing: Water
Stats: 47/52/32/10/62/62 (265 BST)
Ability: Defiant/Rattled (Super Luck)
Height: 0.2m
Weight: 0.9kg

"Fun fact, I forgot to make a dex entry for this Pokemon and am now retroactively inserting this joke here. Luckily nobody actually cares about Xiphi so I doubt anyone will notice."


Added to Lobby: Horizon3 years ago

Xiphi, the Kunai Pokemon
Typing: Water
Stats: 47/52/32/10/62/62 (265 BST)
Ability: Defiant/Rattled (Super Luck)
Height: 0.2m
Weight: 0.9kg

"Fun fact, I forgot to make a dex entry for this Pokemon and am now retroactively inserting this joke here. Luckily nobody actually cares about Xiphi so I doubt anyone will notice."