From October 2019.
Skye: For clarification on missing floating details (and many apologies for some long reading sporadically throughout your day):
When he initially came to me with the divorce papers it cam out of nowhere. He has been talking to Shiloh off and on and she would sometimes be on Skype in the background. I thought he was mentoring a kid and giving them advice on vids/editing/etc. so it wasn't troubling at first. Then he got obsessive. He would be on Skye with her 8+ hours. I started asking questions and he started dodging and being very dismissive.
I glanced over at his screen, as at the time we both worked on a dual desk set up in our office and saw some pretty sketchy messages being sent and something along time lines of, "you the only one who understands me." The next day he started locking himself in the office saying he was working on a big project. Was in there pretty much for 3 days. Kept being dismissive, wouldn't let me use our only phone, and [when] Cyr got sick I drove him to the hospital. Didn't even care his friend caught the flu, just kept laughing and giggling in his office. 
After this, he took me aside one night and told me he following: "I'm going to divorce you because I've finally found real happiness. I never loved you and was just afraid of being alone. If you want me to be happy, you'll let me do what I want." Upon which I clearly remember the look on his face. Cold as a lizard on ice, dead eyed, and with a smirk. He picks up his phone, calls Shiloh and says, "It's done now. Now we can be together," turns and walks away locking himself in his room. The next day looking like he was high [on] his own supply he came to me in the afternoon having printed out a divorce document demanding I sign it.
He would proceed to follow me around the house for hours at a time screaming at me that if I really loved him, I would sign the paperwork. Eventually after the endless onslaught, I gave in as my spirit was quite broken. He still refused to let me use our phone. 
As this was around the holidays, I began prepping to see my family for Christmas in a daze of confusion. I was so despondent. I drove to my mom's house and as soon as I told them everything that happened after I collapsed on the floor, my sister catching me and crying with me. She reveals to me that she was watching over me the whole time because she suspected he was up to something.
My family has me call a crisis line. They find me a counselor. My sis and I go back to the house to grab my two cats and a few items. He walks out and merely asks if I am going to go to his family's party. My sister says, "of course she isn't." He just responds, "well that is going to look awkward for me." He just continues getting dressed humming to himself. Cyr is disturbed and tells me he is so sorry this is happening. Says he is going back home. I go back to my family with my sister and cats in tow.
As you know the rest, he goes to PA to visit Shiloh and such. I am with my family and get a lawyer. My sister calls him and we find out he isn't home. He leaves a set a house keys behind and tells us where he put them. We go and move out. He then accuses my family of breaking in and stealing (note: house is in both our names) and posts footage online from security cameras. Fans begin to attack.
I go no contact. I go through my lawyers and keep seeing my counselor. I get a job to pay for the lawyers and borrow money from my family to retain them. As proceedings go along, the court determines that the initial "contract" he made me sign is null because of all of the above. Proven through my counselor verifying my mental state and the fact it wasn't notarized, proper, etc.
Long story above, explains the how and why his contract was thrown out. Will work on trying to find divorce records where I state this as well.
Lots of scanning tonight. Have more to explain, but lunch break is up. Feel free to post more Qs and I'll respond when I'm off work. Thanks again.

Skye's Story

Added to Skye4 years ago

From October 2019.
Skye: For clarification on missing floating details (and many apologies for some long reading sporadically throughout your day):
When he initially came to me with the divorce papers it cam out of nowhere. He has been talking to Shiloh off and on and she would sometimes be on Skype in the background. I thought he was mentoring a kid and giving them advice on vids/editing/etc. so it wasn't troubling at first. Then he got obsessive. He would be on Skye with her 8+ hours. I started asking questions and he started dodging and being very dismissive.
I glanced over at his screen, as at the time we both worked on a dual desk set up in our office and saw some pretty sketchy messages being sent and something along time lines of, "you the only one who understands me." The next day he started locking himself in the office saying he was working on a big project. Was in there pretty much for 3 days. Kept being dismissive, wouldn't let me use our only phone, and [when] Cyr got sick I drove him to the hospital. Didn't even care his friend caught the flu, just kept laughing and giggling in his office.
After this, he took me aside one night and told me he following: "I'm going to divorce you because I've finally found real happiness. I never loved you and was just afraid of being alone. If you want me to be happy, you'll let me do what I want." Upon which I clearly remember the look on his face. Cold as a lizard on ice, dead eyed, and with a smirk. He picks up his phone, calls Shiloh and says, "It's done now. Now we can be together," turns and walks away locking himself in his room. The next day looking like he was high [on] his own supply he came to me in the afternoon having printed out a divorce document demanding I sign it.
He would proceed to follow me around the house for hours at a time screaming at me that if I really loved him, I would sign the paperwork. Eventually after the endless onslaught, I gave in as my spirit was quite broken. He still refused to let me use our phone.
As this was around the holidays, I began prepping to see my family for Christmas in a daze of confusion. I was so despondent. I drove to my mom's house and as soon as I told them everything that happened after I collapsed on the floor, my sister catching me and crying with me. She reveals to me that she was watching over me the whole time because she suspected he was up to something.
My family has me call a crisis line. They find me a counselor. My sis and I go back to the house to grab my two cats and a few items. He walks out and merely asks if I am going to go to his family's party. My sister says, "of course she isn't." He just responds, "well that is going to look awkward for me." He just continues getting dressed humming to himself. Cyr is disturbed and tells me he is so sorry this is happening. Says he is going back home. I go back to my family with my sister and cats in tow.
As you know the rest, he goes to PA to visit Shiloh and such. I am with my family and get a lawyer. My sister calls him and we find out he isn't home. He leaves a set a house keys behind and tells us where he put them. We go and move out. He then accuses my family of breaking in and stealing (note: house is in both our names) and posts footage online from security cameras. Fans begin to attack.
I go no contact. I go through my lawyers and keep seeing my counselor. I get a job to pay for the lawyers and borrow money from my family to retain them. As proceedings go along, the court determines that the initial "contract" he made me sign is null because of all of the above. Proven through my counselor verifying my mental state and the fact it wasn't notarized, proper, etc.
Long story above, explains the how and why his contract was thrown out. Will work on trying to find divorce records where I state this as well.
Lots of scanning tonight. Have more to explain, but lunch break is up. Feel free to post more Qs and I'll respond when I'm off work. Thanks again.