JSE was the host of the Ms. Fitness USA and World competitions for Fox Sports for years. He has also done many different media appearances within and outside of the health and fitness industry.  He has also hosted a talk show, radio show, podcast, YouTube shows and appeared in 2 documentaries and one martial arts action film. To access his photos, bio, CV, IMDB and other information, click over to his blog now. If you want to know more about then visit this page: https://johnspencerellis.com/about
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John Spencer Ellis Fitness Media Appearances

Uploaded 2 years ago

JSE was the host of the Ms. Fitness USA and World competitions for Fox Sports for years. He has also done many different media appearances within and outside of the health and fitness industry. He has also hosted a talk show, radio show, podcast, YouTube shows and appeared in 2 documentaries and one martial arts action film. To access his photos, bio, CV, IMDB and other information, click over to his blog now. If you want to know more about then visit this page: https://johnspencerellis.com/about