If you have crooked teeth, overbites, minor crowding, or other dental issues, Dr. Catrise Austin’s new book will help you decide whether porcelain veneers or clear aligners are the better solution for you. Visit https://www.amazon.com/Porcelain-Veneers-Clear-Aligners-Picture-Perfect/dp/B0CSXFZZR8 for more.  
VIP Smiles Dentistry, PLLC 
City: Flint
Address: 1104 South Linden Road
Website: http://www.vipsmiles.com

Solving Dental Problems: Porcelain Veneers Vs. Clear Aligners Explained By Expert

Added to Business3 weeks ago

If you have crooked teeth, overbites, minor crowding, or other dental issues, Dr. Catrise Austin’s new book will help you decide whether porcelain veneers or clear aligners are the better solution for you. Visit https://www.amazon.com/Porcelain-Veneers-Clear-Aligners-Picture-Perfect/dp/B0CSXFZZR8 for more.
VIP Smiles Dentistry, PLLC
City: Flint
Address: 1104 South Linden Road
Website: http://www.vipsmiles.com