There are many ways to cancel flight tickets but the airline will provide you the easiest way to cancel the tickets. Passengers want to know about How to cancel Cathay Pacific tickets online? There are some easy steps for cancellation are listed below: 1. Go to the  2.tap on "Manage booking" Section for cancellations or changes 3.fill the 6 digit reference airline number and 16 digit number with the last and first name of passenger. 4.Then, tap on "cancel my booking" button. 5.after the process is done an email will sent to your I'd with the confirmation of cancel the ticket.


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There are many ways to cancel flight tickets but the airline will provide you the easiest way to cancel the tickets. Passengers want to know about How to cancel Cathay Pacific tickets online? There are some easy steps for cancellation are listed below: 1. Go to the 2.tap on "Manage booking" Section for cancellations or changes 3.fill the 6 digit reference airline number and 16 digit number with the last and first name of passenger. 4.Then, tap on "cancel my booking" button. 5.after the process is done an email will sent to your I'd with the confirmation of cancel the ticket.