Date Unknown.

Onision: Another issue has come up with Sky obtaining a job... I have recently deeply considered the possibility of her obtaining a job, and again, it seems so... inappropriate. 
The reasoning behind this is that she simply would not seem [sic] me nearly as much a she does now... and this is unacceptable.
If she is going to have a job, she must still be able to see me at least 80% of ym time off work, and with me currently working a midnight schedule, we would be lucky to see eachother [sic] 50% of my off time... I do not like this percentage... though it would be a part time job, it would also be a day time job, and in [sic] result, it would alter her sleep schedule, taking many more hours away on top of the working hours.
Later on this year, I will be switching over to a days [sic] schedule, and then, we will both advance in our productivity in the field of finances and self improvement.

Onision: Hollywood Skye
I've been making quite a few videos for YouTube as of late... I'm really working on the professionalism aspect of them in the sense that though the ideas are tacky, the core video and sound quality is at least par. (editing as well I'd hope) [sic]
Skye has been a mighty impressive performer. Her improvisational skills are superb from what I have seen this [sic] far. In the last video, "Ninja vs. Commando" her dodging of bullets, floor dance, and general dancing in response to my assaults, were all her. I did not suggest these things and she decided to go for it regardless...
I truly love my wife, and feel I am very fortunate to have met, and even more so flattering, married her. I would not trade her for any other, and am so very excited that she will be entering the world of entertainment with me in all comedy-based forms of video production...
Maybe, we will make a horror film next... I've always loved those.

Skye and Greg's Work Schedules

Added to Skye4 years ago

Date Unknown.

Onision: Another issue has come up with Sky obtaining a job... I have recently deeply considered the possibility of her obtaining a job, and again, it seems so... inappropriate.
The reasoning behind this is that she simply would not seem [sic] me nearly as much a she does now... and this is unacceptable.
If she is going to have a job, she must still be able to see me at least 80% of ym time off work, and with me currently working a midnight schedule, we would be lucky to see eachother [sic] 50% of my off time... I do not like this percentage... though it would be a part time job, it would also be a day time job, and in [sic] result, it would alter her sleep schedule, taking many more hours away on top of the working hours.
Later on this year, I will be switching over to a days [sic] schedule, and then, we will both advance in our productivity in the field of finances and self improvement.

Onision: Hollywood Skye
I've been making quite a few videos for YouTube as of late... I'm really working on the professionalism aspect of them in the sense that though the ideas are tacky, the core video and sound quality is at least par. (editing as well I'd hope) [sic]
Skye has been a mighty impressive performer. Her improvisational skills are superb from what I have seen this [sic] far. In the last video, "Ninja vs. Commando" her dodging of bullets, floor dance, and general dancing in response to my assaults, were all her. I did not suggest these things and she decided to go for it regardless...
I truly love my wife, and feel I am very fortunate to have met, and even more so flattering, married her. I would not trade her for any other, and am so very excited that she will be entering the world of entertainment with me in all comedy-based forms of video production...
Maybe, we will make a horror film next... I've always loved those.