Nikomat FTn with Nikkor 50mm f/2 pre-ai lens. Fuji Superia ASA400.
Aperture: f/4
Shutter speed: 1/125s
Note: Hand-held. Focus intended to be group of three and to capture glow of spines in the afternoon sun. Shallow D.O.F to blur background and foreground slightly.

4. Trichos in the sun 1

Added to FS424-15 years ago

Nikomat FTn with Nikkor 50mm f/2 pre-ai lens. Fuji Superia ASA400.
Aperture: f/4
Shutter speed: 1/125s
Note: Hand-held. Focus intended to be group of three and to capture glow of spines in the afternoon sun. Shallow D.O.F to blur background and foreground slightly.