Paid $23.43 shipping included Feb. 2021

Super popular and a massive hit. Most peoples favorite Mario game and even #1 NES game of all time. Not mine.
I like it well enough for sure! I'd go on to beat it but once I did, I found myself returning to SMB 2 for replay. I dunno, I just loved 2 the most. I don't know why, today. I don't care too much for it now but as a kid, I liked the second one.
Now, the best is the first one for best nostalgia trip. Its the only one I replay today. I think I ran through this one again like 10 years or so again but, meh. Just not my favorite. Never was. I can clearly see why it is to most though. I get it.

Super Mario Bros. 3

Uploaded 2 years ago

Paid $23.43 shipping included Feb. 2021

Super popular and a massive hit. Most peoples favorite Mario game and even #1 NES game of all time. Not mine.
I like it well enough for sure! I'd go on to beat it but once I did, I found myself returning to SMB 2 for replay. I dunno, I just loved 2 the most. I don't know why, today. I don't care too much for it now but as a kid, I liked the second one.
Now, the best is the first one for best nostalgia trip. Its the only one I replay today. I think I ran through this one again like 10 years or so again but, meh. Just not my favorite. Never was. I can clearly see why it is to most though. I get it.

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