We are a not-for-profit co-operative owned by the members, who are local GPs in Wollongong and Shellharbour areas. Apart from excellent after hours medical care, RDI also bulk bills patients who have a Medicare or Veterans Affairs card. All calls are taken by our professional call centre which specialises in after hours visits. We take pride in our provision of after hours health care in the Illawarra however we don’t act as an emergency service or treat cuts or wounds or provide S8 drugs. To learn more here: https://radiodoctor.com.au/

Doctor Wollongong

Uploaded 2 years ago

We are a not-for-profit co-operative owned by the members, who are local GPs in Wollongong and Shellharbour areas. Apart from excellent after hours medical care, RDI also bulk bills patients who have a Medicare or Veterans Affairs card. All calls are taken by our professional call centre which specialises in after hours visits. We take pride in our provision of after hours health care in the Illawarra however we don’t act as an emergency service or treat cuts or wounds or provide S8 drugs. To learn more here: https://radiodoctor.com.au/