Ronon Dex

Satedan refugee survivor and big guy of the 2nd Season onward Ronon was looked forward to for his insane robustness and mental drive and endurance to bear an experimental Wamphyri the manufactured male counterpart to The Mother, the Father/King.
It was with him the cohort seeded and perfected its number one augmentations with advancing Symbiotes, the wamphryri augmenting drugs, spells, mutagens, treatments, and enhancements. Especially for lewdness, predatory sharpness, and power to attraction and allure.
He's like a gimp who feasts on all brought before him and turns them out broken and reformed to service. with the true leash in the mind held by wit and will by Jumper.
He shifts between beast or man but always alpha and predatory and sire. is present throbbing and insistent and alluring to those who crave power hidden and more to gain
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