July 2023 Part I

Again, thank you for following me - I know I post a lot. I did A LOT of blocks this month so I'm splitting the album. TAKE ANYTHING PLEASE. This is what I do to try to amplify quotes and studies - and I want people to have them and to repurpose them. I want to encourage you not to give up the fight. Everything we do and say matters . I am so grateful for everyone I follow who are determined to learn it all, and speak truth to power . SO grateful for the people on the streets making the sacrifice. So grateful for the scientists speaking as loud as they can. So grateful to the writers who speak plain truth out there. I am touched by everyone trying so hard everyday. I wish there was a magic want to at least get people to understand just how bad it is. We're fighting corporate forces who don't want that info out there. Like Monbiot says it's us vs the plutocrats. It's so easy for people NOT to think about it . That's why if you keep trying TO think about it - you are brave in my books.
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