TFS 5.0 Ju 88C-2

TFS 5.0 Ju 88C-2
This is the early short wing version based on the Ju-88A-1 which flew in the BoB mostly as a night intruder over British bomber fields in England. It is armed with 1 MG/FFM 20mm and four 7.92mm forward firing, and two rear defensive MG's.
We are building four total Ju-88C's. The other versions are; Ju-88C-2 'long wing' version based on Ju-88A-5, Ju-88C-4, which was based on the Ju-88A-5-Late and had the up-rated Jumo 211F engine, and Ju-88C-4-Late, which additionally had two extra forward firing MG/FFM 20mm in the under nose gondola.
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