An office in Toronto supplies 12,000 square feet notionally to play human air pocket ball - at any rate on an essential level to pound express others around like zorbing zones in Europe. I am base side-up on a stretch of hair-raising eco-obliging astroturf, encased in a zorbing area in the US. 

#zorbing #zorbball #waterball #humanbubbleball 

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To Play Soccer-However

Uploaded 4 years ago

An office in Toronto supplies 12,000 square feet notionally to play human air pocket ball - at any rate on an essential level to pound express others around like zorbing zones in Europe. I am base side-up on a stretch of hair-raising eco-obliging astroturf, encased in a zorbing area in the US.

#zorbing #zorbball #waterball #humanbubbleball

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