Distance - Approximately 23 km from the Resort
Time - Around 1 hour drive
Direction - Left turn at Lath pandura Buzzar and after another 2 km drive, one must turn to his right at Kamburawala Junction. It is yet more 12 km to the inn and the vehicle park. He will climb 355 cemented steps very conveniently under high canopy to reach the monastery.
Hermitages and various places of veneration are scattered on a clean and vast jungle area. Superbly constructed buildings like beautiful shrines, enormous statues, preaching halls, alms giving enclosures, massive inscriptions, rock caves, pacing beds, flower gardens can be visited. The hermitages are constantly inhabited by highly disciplined Bikkus, whose lives have been entirely dedicated to meditation and religious observances. All facilities have been arranged for visitors staying over night
Very aged and sickly persons are advised to refrain from climbing the steps.
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Kalugala Monastery

Added to Places to visit7 months ago

Distance - Approximately 23 km from the Resort
Time - Around 1 hour drive
Direction - Left turn at Lath pandura Buzzar and after another 2 km drive, one must turn to his right at Kamburawala Junction. It is yet more 12 km to the inn and the vehicle park. He will climb 355 cemented steps very conveniently under high canopy to reach the monastery.
Hermitages and various places of veneration are scattered on a clean and vast jungle area. Superbly constructed buildings like beautiful shrines, enormous statues, preaching halls, alms giving enclosures, massive inscriptions, rock caves, pacing beds, flower gardens can be visited. The hermitages are constantly inhabited by highly disciplined Bikkus, whose lives have been entirely dedicated to meditation and religious observances. All facilities have been arranged for visitors staying over night
Very aged and sickly persons are advised to refrain from climbing the steps.