Nikomat FTn with Nikkor 50mm f/2 pre-ai lens. Fuji Superia ASA400.
Aperture: f/16
Shutter speed: 1/125s
Note: Hand held, braced on car door-sill car parked on runoff on wrong side of road. Late morning sun. Hazy day overlooking Hinchenbrook channel and lowland ranforest on the way up to Paluma - approx halfway up the range.

24. Seaview (Paluma) range runoff - wrong side of the road

Added to FS424-15 years ago

Nikomat FTn with Nikkor 50mm f/2 pre-ai lens. Fuji Superia ASA400.
Aperture: f/16
Shutter speed: 1/125s
Note: Hand held, braced on car door-sill car parked on runoff on wrong side of road. Late morning sun. Hazy day overlooking Hinchenbrook channel and lowland ranforest on the way up to Paluma - approx halfway up the range.